Let’s go! We like talking with meaning, so we decided to present our wise disputes to the world in the form of a podcast. And to be serious – we want to introduce you to our world and what we do know best – programming. And also the direction in which our whole, not only coding – the world of technology is heading. Hence the familiar-sounding name: „QUO VADIS IT?”
In the first episode about what tigers, that is us, we like the most – identity and access management (IAM) and single sign-on (SSO) based on Keycloak.X.
Today, IAM requires special care in prioritizing the processes governing the controlled access of users to critical resources of their companies. Single sign-on (SSO) completes this perfectly. Especially when it is built on top of Keykloak.X. Hear why! Welcome to „QUO VADIS IT?”!