Why DevOpsi?
In the IT industry, the term DevOps has been floating around in discussions for several years: We will hire a DevOps Engineer - We're introducing a DevOps culture in our Company -By introducing DevOps in our company, we have reduced
In the IT industry, the term DevOps has been floating around in discussions for several years: We will hire a DevOps Engineer - We're introducing a DevOps culture in our Company -By introducing DevOps in our company, we have reduced
New Customer Before the term "Event Storming" is uttered, the time when Contractors clarify the provisions of their contracts with new Customers is always fraught with some similar questions: "Do you know X?" "Do you know how our business
Poprzedni wpis dotyczący Keycloaka zakończyliśmy na jego budowie. Skoro już znamy budowę Keycloaka, wiemy jak go zainstalować pora na integrację z backendem naszej aplikacji. Słowo "Prosta" oznaczania najprostsza formę integracji Keycloaka ze Springiem, zaawansowana pojawi się niebawem. Pierwszą rzeczą jaką musimy
Recently there has been quite a lot of talk about the open-source tool that is Keycloak. Primarily, because many companies rely on a ready-made solution such as SSO (Single-Sign-On). It allows them to save both time and money for
DevOpsi Sp. z o.o., Białołęcka 168, 03-253 Warszawa