What a future Full Stack Developer should know (part 1)


„Full Stack Developer wanted” is one of the topics, which during the discussion in the world of current, but above all future developers, will not find its end soon. Today about what the role of Full Stack Developer is, and what it entails.

A heated payroll

The imagination of future Full Stack Developers fires up by the salary information on IT job portals. Employers’ dreams revolve around cost-cutting and acquiring programmers characterized by IT omnipotence. We found ourselves in the center of this discussion. So we return to the topic to dispel some myths and emphasize the truths.

Full Stack Developer
Full Stack Developer is an „orchestra man”

Dream-fulfilling Full Stack Developer

Full Stack Developer is, in short, an „orchestra man”. He can fulfill his client’s dream of a web application that works according to his expectations. Maestro effectively works with both the frontend and backend of a web application.

From the front…

In a „less ideal” world, these two areas – although they eventually merge, of course – function separately. Frontend developers break their heads and toes biting into everything that is directed to the direct user – interface, navigation, visualization. They use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to enchant the user. They are artists, psychologists, storytellers, and practitioners of UX – User Experience and UI – User Interface.

And from the backstage

pisanie kodu
„Fullstackowiec” zaprojektuje interfejsy i napisze kod

Backend Developers, on the other hand, are the backend people. Their work is only seemingly unspectacular. However, it decides the final success of the project. They are the ones who write application code, process data, create databases and API interfaces, without which interactions between applications and realization of designed functions would not be possible. Here you have to be a real IT „polyglot”. Without the knowledge of programming languages such as JavaScript, Java, Python, PHP, or C#, there is no way of final success. Working with databases means you need to know: firstly, how to communicate with them. Secondly, knowledge of SQL – the query language (and of course such relational databases as PostgreSQL, MySQL, or Oracle.

„Omnipotent” – not technically only

In such a landscape, Full Stack programmers resemble a bit the protagonist of the movie „Bruce Almighty”. The only difference is that they have to work out the gift of „omnipotence” on their own… And it includes the creation of web applications in both of these areas with the understanding of all coding languages, relational databases, machine learning, etc.

This „omnipotence” of the Full Stack Developer includes more than just technical skills. He must nimbly move between the frontend and the backend.  And orchestrate efficient, effective communication between these areas and their integration. He, or she, creates solutions on one side, only to immediately switch to the other side and turn into an analyst and problem solver.

Not for everyone

And it is the difference in defining the knowledge, experience, and personality traits of candidates for Full Stack Developers that ignites heated discussions. I’m not saying that if someone knows everything, he knows nothing. But the scale of responsibility for the project that falls on the „Almighty” is huge. It’s a task for people with extraordinary IT, organizational and mental skills.

You can’t learn that at boot camps, half-year, or even one-year courses. Although those who feel up to it and think they have the right personality skills can take part in Full Stack Developer training. The price? 10000 PLN to 35000 PLN…

The hardship of Full Stack Developer

What tasks will we face once we take on such a position? The most important ones include:

  • Designing and, or working with graphic designers;
  • Defining user interactions in a web application;
  • Software design and development;
  • Writing code for the frontend and backend;
  •  Testing and debugging the software;
  • Preparing servers and databases for the backend;
  • Developing APIs;
  • Optimization;
  • Deployment.

Next week about how much you have to pay to get completion confirmation of a Full Stack Developer course and how much you can earn in this role. And there’s a lot to be made.

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