Payments Gateway – DevOps as a Service


Leading Polish payment gateway Blue Media (currently AutoPay) asked us for support on DevOps topics – we suggested our DevOps as a Service here.

Of course, we responded to the need and have supported Autopay on DevOps topics ever since.

In this case, we use our service – DevOps as a Service.

Scope of work

The scope of work was very broad – both development, maintenance and consulting in the topics of DevOps, CI/CD, and k8s.

The technology stack around which we mainly move includes:

  • Kubernetes
  • Gitlab
  • ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana
  • AWS
  • FluxCD
  • Kafka
  • and others.


Solution – DevOps as a Service

We immediately started talking about what they needed, when, and their challenges. From the beginning, 5 people from one DevOps team worked on the tasks. At times, the number reached 8 people. In addition to the typical DevOps work, we suggested managing the whole team – comprised of our employees and the client’s employees – and this is what we do today: Project Management.



We responded quickly to our client’s need – implemented our DevOps as a Service, and added Project Management. For almost a year, we have supported the leading payment gateway, Blue Media (AutoPay), in this formula.


Ceo & Founder

Paweł Zaraś


If You want to know more information about the project,
Please get in touch with me on this form.

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DevOps as a Service



DevOps as a Service



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